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The Fourth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business

Internet Era & The Global Enterprise

Lake View Garden Hotel Wuhan, P. R. China, June 4-5, 2005

Day 1 (Saturday June 4, 2005)

07:30 Registration 注册

09:00 Opening 开幕式

Program – Jing ZhaoCo-ChairThe Center for International Cooperation in E-Business (CICEB)China University of GeosciencesCUG, China

Welcome – Governor of Hubei Province

Welcome –Jingao Zhang, President of CUG

Welcome -Wilfred HuangCo-ChairCollege of Business, Alfred University

Welcome –Yan Liang Dean of College of Management, CUG

9:45 Group photo taking 合影

10:15-12:00 Keynote Addresses大会主题发言

Chair- Wilfred Huang College of Business, Alfred UniversityUSA

TitleInternet-based E-commerce vs. Mobile Commerce: the Key Differences

- Yufei Yuan, Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation Professor of Information Systems, Advisor, McMaster e-Business Research Center, Michael G. DeGroote School of Business McMaster University, Canada

TitleKey Issues in Information Systems Management: Highlighting Research Diversity

- Dr. Felix B Tan Professor of Information Systems, Head of the School of Computer and Information Sciences and Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand.

12:00 Lunch 午餐

13:15 Paper Presentation 分会场宣读论文

15:00 Coffee Break 休息

15:15 Paper Presentation分会场宣读论文

17:00 End of Day 1 第一天结束

17:15 Reception 欢迎宴会

18 :30 Visit Museum of CUG 参观地大博物馆

Day 2 (Saturday June 5, 2005)

08:15 Keynote Addresses 大会主题发言

Chair- Frank Duserick, College of Business, Alfred UniversityUSA

TitleSurvey on Modeling and Optimization for E-Commerce

- Dingwei Wang, Director and professor with the Institute of Systems Engineering, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern UniversityChina

TitleInnovations in Strategic Banking, Finance Reform, Change Management: Proactive Asset Prices Simulation, for Financial Risks Early Warning

- Warren Huang, OSA Int’l Operations Analysis, San Francisco, Ca., USA

10:00 Coffee Break 休息

10:15 Paper Presentation 分会场宣读论文

12:00 Lunch 午餐

13:15 Paper Presentation 分会场宣读论文

15:00 Coffee Break 休息

15:15 Paper Presentation 分会场宣读论文

15:15 PhD Forum 博士论坛

Chair-Shuqin Cai Huahzong University of Technology and Sciences, China

17:00 Poster Session 张贴论文交流会

18:00 End of Day 2 第二天结束

18:15 Dinner 晚餐

Closing Address 闭幕致词

Frank DuserickCo-Chair