

发布人: 发布时间:2017-10-12 点击次数:

Understanding the Information-Based Transformation of Strategy and Society

报告人:Robert Kauffman教授

报告时间:20171012 14:00-15:30

报告地点:MBA 106


The world economy is undergoing dramatic changes, largely driven by the new availability of fine-grained information. Innovative ways of using data—large and small—have also prompted a rethinking of the boundaries for the combination and use of knowledge. To understand the nature of these sweeping changes, it is important to examine the new ways information is used, and how information flows can be leveraged to create competitive advantage and dampen competition. The analysis in this article examines four economic entities that produce and consume value, as well as three determinants for the modes of their operations. The economic entities include consumers, producers, markets and society, whose interactions are determined by viability, networks, and agency. In this framework, we paint a picture of the transformation of information-based strategy in the future and suggest promising research opportunities.


Robert Kauffman教授是电子商务领域国际知名学者,现为新加坡管理大学信息系统学院副院长,LARC研究中心主任, 是美国顶级商学院——达特茅斯大学塔克商学院的客座教授,该校数字战略研究中心的成员。现任国际权威期刊Electronic Commerce Research and Applications的主编。Robert Kauffman教授的研究领域广泛,是公认的跨越经济学和管理学的著名研究专家,在信息系统经济学,竞争战略与技术,IT价值,战略定价,电子商务,危机管理以及供应链管理等均具有较高的造诣。曾在MISQ, ISR, MS, JM, JMIS等世界顶尖期刊发表论文超过100篇。