

发布人: 发布时间:2016-02-28 点击次数:

第一作者 作者 题名 刊名 会议 单位 检索类别
董淑霞   PARAMETERIZED DESIGN OF SPRING’S THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN BASED ON PRO/TOOLKIT   2007 International Symposium on Computer Science and Technology   ISTP
王萍   Survey of university teachers' compensation satisfaction   2007 SIXTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS, VOLS 1-4 - MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN A GLOBAL WORLD 3076-3081, 2007 Institute of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP
Song Danxia Xiong Yin, Huang Weilai Service Supply Chain: the Tendency of Supply Chain Management   2007/5/26-27 The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business: Management Challenges in a Global World Institute of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP
Hou zubing   An analysis on pareto improvement of China's rural micro-credit market ISBN 0-9604962-9-7,volumeII,pp1815-1821 2007/5/26-27 The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-business Institute of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP
赵晶 朱 镇 企业电子商务战略实施关键成功因素的实证研究 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》第46卷增刊S1 06年   地大 EI
李晴 赵晶 A Customer- Centric Service Framework for B2C Website Design From A Service Computing Perspective   2007 the Proceeding of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 地大 ISTP
王飞 赵晶 A Three-Level Indexing Framework for Business Process Case-base: An Artificial Immune System Approach   2007 the Proceeding of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 地大 ISTP
瞿祥华 Yang,hy Accountability and the development of chinese higher education   2007 SIXTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS, VOLS 1-4 - MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN A GLOBAL WORLD 2911-2917, 2007 Institute of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP
熊英   The Empirical Research on Employee Turnover of WUHAN Telecom Customer Service Center   2007 The Sixth Wuhan International Conference on E-business   ISTP
王广民 王先甲等 An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Bilevel Linear Programming Problem(二层线性规划的自适应遗传算法) Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(应用数学和力学) 2007,28(12)     Sci,Ei
王广民 王先甲等 最优发电企业数量与规模的二层规划模型 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) 2007,31(6)     Ei
诸克军 Shiwei Yu ,Fengqin Diao Soft computing applications to estimate the quantitative contribution of education on economic growth
Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol 187(2):1038-1055     Sci,Ei
诸克军 Guo,Haixiang;Diao,Fengqin;Xu,Sixin A better estimate to the contribution rate of education on economic growth in China from 1999 to 2003 Expert Systems with Applications V34,n2:p1371-1383     EI
Chengjie Xiong Kejun Zhu Statistical Modeling in Biomedical Research: Longitudinal Data Analysis
Handbook of Statistics Vol27(3): 429-463     Sci,Ei
Shiwei YU Kejun ZHU Fuzzy Neural Network Applications on Estimating the Contribution of Different Education Levels on Human Capital of China Proceedings of IEEE ICSSM’07 2007(6):554-557     EI,ISTP
李江敏   Recreational Behavior around Metropolis in China: An Empirical Research Based on Internet   2007.5 the Proceeding of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business   ISTP
  李江敏(第二署名) Resources Integration of Tourism Destination Based on DMS   2007.5 the Proceeding of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business   ISTP
付晓灵   A transition of project evaluation modality:From tranditional to bill quantity - A case in Chian   2007.5 the Proceeding of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business   ISTP
付晓灵   Review on the development of geoligical survey in industry in Hubei Province   2007.5 the Proceeding of the Sixth Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business   ISTP
余敬 余敬,高谋艳 矿业城市矿产资源可持续力比较评价 地球科学 2007,32(1): 123-129.     EI
郭海湘 Guo Haixiang,Diao Fengqin,Zhu Kejun A New Method of Soft Computing to Estimate the Economic Contribution Rate of Education in China Applied Soft Computing 2007   College of Management, China University of Geosciences SCI:211FA
郭海湘 Guo, Haixiang, Zhu, Kejun The forecasting of China oil demand based on fusion of soft computing and hard computing   2007 Sixth wuhan international conference on E-business College of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP:BGO56
郭海湘 Hai-xiang Guo, Ke-jun Zhu ,Si-wei Gao, Ting Liu An Improved Genetic k-means Algorithm for Optimal Clustering   Jun-05 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining-Workshops College of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP: BFZ38
郭海湘 Guo, HX; Li, JL; Zhu, KJ Extraction of the fuzzy rules about the productivity factor of China Proceedings of the world engineerings' convention 2004, vol A-Network engineering and information society NOV 02-06, 2004 World Engineers Convention 2004 College of Management, China University of Geosciences ISTP:BDM43
张俊霞 Juan Dai, Jun-xia Zhang, Shi-hui Zhang, New Pathways to Achieving Scale Economies in the E-business Environment and the Development of Spatial Economics.   2007.5 P157 第六届武汉电子商务国际会议   ISTP
张俊霞 Juan Dai,Jun-xia Zhang, Qiu-zhen Li, The Constraint Effect of Carrying Capacity in Tourism: Economic Modeling of Golden Weeks in China.   2007.5 P2217 第六届武汉电子商务国际会议   ISTP
宋凡 Song, F; Dong, N; Zhang, W Research on Independent Innovation Capability of China’s High-tech Manufacturing   May 26-27, 2007 THE SIXTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS, VOLUME Ⅳ-MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN A GLOBAL WORLD China Univ Geosci, Coll Management, Wuhan, 430074 Peoples R China. ISTP
严良   status quo and optimization of 3e in qinghai province proceedings of icm 2007       ISTP
刁凤琴 Yu Ting,Liang zhi Research on the business E-HR in china   VOLS 1 AND 2 1546-1549,2006 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 3RD INTERNATIONL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION MANAGEMENT   ISTP
刁凤琴 Yu Ting,Li,BQ A research on the incentive of knowledge worker based on organizational commitment theory   1091-1094,2005 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2nd INTERNATIONL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION MANAGEMENT   ISTP
肖拥军 XIAO Yongjun, XUE Juhua Study on the Incentive Mechanism of Hotel Knowledge Management   June 2007,P1106-1109 Research on Organizational Innovation – 2007 Proceedings of International Conference on Enterprise Engineering and Management Innovation   ISTP
帅传敏 Shuai Chuanmin, Cheng Guoqiang World Agri-Trade Policy Readjustment since Uruguay Round and Policy Implications Outlook on Agriculture 2007   中国地质大学(武汉) SCI检索(国际期刊·光盘版)
帅传敏 Shuai Chuanmin, Zhang Xianfeng Assessment of IFAD Project Sustainability for Rural Poverty Reduction in China   2007 IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management 中国地质大学(武汉) EI检索
陆鲁 Lu Lu, Shuai Chuanmin An assessment of CEPA impact based on a comparison between Hubei and Hunan provinces in China   2007 SIXTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS 中国地质大学(武汉) ISTP检索
邓伟 Deng Wei, Shuai Chuanmin Comparative study on the localization strategies of domestic and foreign mobile manufacturers - A case in Nokia and Bird   2007 SIXTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS 中国地质大学(武汉) ISTP检索
曹桂华   Application Study of Value Network Management in the Small and Medium Enterprise   2007 SIXTH WUHAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-BUSINESS 中国地质大学(武汉) ISTP检索