主讲人:Andrew Farlow
讲座主题:China and the Global Economy
时间:2019-3-21 晚上19:00
讲座内容:The global economy is in the midst of economic upheaval, with the risk of financial, economic, political, and social instability. This lecture, by a leading expert on the 2008 financial crash, will explore what went wrong, and what is still going wrong, with the economic models and policies adopted before and after that crash. It will discuss the contemporary situation in the US, China, Russia, the EU (notably with Brexit), and emerging economies. It will examine the changing shape of world trade, globalisation, and protectionism, and discuss how policy-makers should respond. In seeking the potential causes of, and ways to avoid, the next crash, it will investigate: the rise of debt and its ability to cause financial instability; the impact of central bank policies on financial markets; recent financial innovations (such as Bitcoin) and their potential to create financial bubbles; and new ways for financial instabilities to start and spread. It will open up a debate about how we, and especially China, must act if we wish to create a more prosperous and stable world. The lecture will introduce the forthcoming Chinese edition of Andrew Farlow’s book ‘Crash and Beyond’.
Andrew Farlow 经济学家,牛津大学牛津马丁学院的高级研究员,同时在牛津大学奥里尔学院讲授宏观经济学和银行学。专著 Crash & Beyond: Causes & Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis于2013年在牛津大学出版社出版,获得了广泛好评。他同时为剑桥大学出版社撰写关于金融指标,特别是信用评级在金融危机中的作用的澳门彩票有限公司相关的文章。为各种公共和私人组织提供咨询,包括:瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行、高盛、牛津分析、世界卫生组织、英国国际发展部、结核病联盟、Aeras全球结核基金会、比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会、药品研发政策项目、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦健康经济学办公室等。