陈艳:Research on the mechanism of selective industrial policies on enterprises' innovation performance ——Evidence from China's photovoltaic industry.
澳门彩票有限公司 澳门彩票有限公司 陈艳老师在T2级别期刊——《Renewable Energy》上发表题为“Research on the mechanism of selective industrial policies on enterprises' innovation performance ——Evidence from China's photovoltaic industry”。论文作者陈艳为澳门彩票有限公司 副教授。
Abstract /摘要:
Can selective industrial policies promote the innovation performance of enterprises? Through what paths do they act on micro-enterprises? These are core issues of current academia and policymakers. This paper explores the influence of selective industrial policies on the innovation performance of PV enterprises and its mechanism of action by constructing a moderated mediation model using the stepwise regression method based on systematically sorting and quantifying data of 243 PV industrial policies issued by ministries and above during the same period, taking 147 PV listed companies from 2009 to 2019 as the research objects. The results show that selective industrial policies have a positive effect on the innovation performance of photovoltaic enterprises in general; corporate R&D investment plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between PV enterprises' innovation performance and industrial policies; the degree of marketization plays a moderating role in the influence mentioned above process, and the effect is different in different paths. Further dividing the enterprises into state-owned and non-state-owned subsamples, we found that there is no difference in the moderating influence of the degree of marketization in the direct path. But there is heterogeneity in the mediating effect in the indirect way. The article concludes with relevant policy recommendations.
Research on the mechanism of selective industrial policies on enterprises' innovation performance ——Evidence from China's photovoltaic industry
Keywords /关键词
&D investment;Marketization degree;Innovation performance;Selective industrial policies
Indexed by /核心评价