黄晓玲(学),田鹏:Polluting thy neighbor or benefiting thy neighbor: Effects of the clean energy development on haze pollution in China.
澳门彩票有限公司 澳门彩票有限公司 田鹏老师在T1级别期刊——《Energy》上发表题为“Polluting thy neighbor or benefiting thy neighbor: Effects of the clean energy development on haze pollution in China”。论文作者田鹏为澳门彩票有限公司 副教授。
Abstract /摘要:
Fossil energy combustion releases a lot of air pollutants that contribute to haze pollution, whereas clean energy may help control it. Based on provincial-level panel data from 1998 to 2018, this study aims to examine the impact of clean energy development on haze pollution in China from a spatial perspective. Results show that China's haze pollution exhibits spatial agglomeration characteristics. Also, clean energy development can effectively suppress haze pollution, presenting a favorable “neighbor-friendly” pattern. In addition, the inhibitory effect in energy-poor regions is more pronounced. These findings highlight the need for joint regional efforts but differentiated policies to combat haze pollution. The study enriches the current literature by considering both the spatial spillover of haze pollution and regional heterogeneities in energy endowments.
Polluting thy neighbor or benefiting thy neighbor: Effects of the clean energy development on haze pollution in China
Keywords /关键词
Clean energy;Haze pollution;Spatial Durbin model;China