陈漫:The dark side effects of CEO general managerial skills on corporate overinvestment.
澳门彩票有限公司 澳门彩票有限公司 陈漫老师在T2级别期刊——《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》上发表题为“The dark side effects of CEO general managerial skills on corporate overinvestment”。论文第一作者陈漫为澳门彩票有限公司 特任教授。
Abstract /摘要:
Effective investment is recognized as a powerful determinantoffirms' growth and long-term advantages. However, despite long and extensive researchontheupper echelons,theroleoftop managers' work experiences incorporateinvestments remains unclear. With an investigationoftheeffectofCEOgeneralmanagerialskillsgained through lifetime work experiencesoncorporateoverinvestment,thecurrent study also tests boundary conditions at which this effect may be magnified or attenuated. An empirical analysisofChinese publicly listed firms reveals thatCEOgeneralmanagerialskillsincreasecorporateoverinvestment: Generalist CEOs (versus specialist CEOs) are more likely to promoteoverinvestment. Moreover, whereas board size and economic policy uncertainty attenuatetherelationship betweenCEOgeneralmanagerialskillsandcorporateoverinvestment, firm profitability magnifiestherelationship. By examiningthedarksideofthismanagerialcharacteristicofCEO, this study provides important implications for literature aboutcorporateinvestment and upper echelons.
The dark side effects of CEO general managerial skills on corporate overinvestment
Chen, Man; Liu, Si; (Wang, Feng; (Guo, Rui
Keywords /关键词
CEO general managerial skills;Generalist CEO;Corporate overinvestment